мне пока лень тут наводить красоту и расписывать, что такое ADB и как управлять #Андроид по Wi-Fi, а когда я пойму сам, как это делать так, чтоб мне за это давали, тогда и будет.
To “adb.exe” folder:
List third part:
adb shell pm list packages
Delete package:
adb shell pm uninstall -k ru.tinkoff.sme
adb kill-server: Kills the ADB server
adb shell: Launches a shell terminal
adb start-server: Starts the ADB daemon
adb reboot: Reboots the connected devices
adb reboot-recovery: Restarts the device in recovery mode
adb reboot fastboot: Restarts the device in fastboot mode
adb get-state: Pulls the current device state
adb get-serialno: Pulls the connected device's serial number
adb shell install <apk>: Installs an APK package onto the connected device
adb shell uninstall <apk>: Removes the named APK package from the connected device
adb push <local file location> <remote file location>: Copies a file from the computer to the device
adb pull <remote file location> <local file location>: Copies a file from the device to the computer
adb shell list packages: Lists all installed APK packages
adb shell ls: Lists the contents of the current directory
adb shell screencap /path/to/screenshot.png: Takes a screenshot
adb shell screenrecord /path/to/video.mp4: Takes a screen recording
adb bugreport: Create a bug report
adb logcat: Dumps a log of system messages
adb help: Lists all ADB commands
exit: Closes the terminal window